Bloggers and websites offer up prizes to their fans and give away money, big ticket items, trips, cars or even houses. People win prizes every day and walk away with some fabulous prizes,
Hosting a giveaway or contest of any kind, takes hours of planning, prize costs, and shipping arrangements of prizes. So what are your responsibilities as a winner? It's simple to use proper etiquette and don't be a needy whiner!
Proper Contest Winners ETIQUETTE .
Prizes don't and won't be on your doorstep overnight- Company's and bloggers have 4-8 weeks to have your prize dispersed. Canadian law does NOT dictate when a contest holder has to deliver prizes. Competition Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-34)
#1 Do NOT ask where your prize is before the 4-week mark of you winning that prize
#2 Do NOT ask them publicly where your prize is on Twitter, Facebook or any social network BEFORE the 4-week mark. You make yourself look childish.
#3 Do read over the rules and regulations to make sure you haven't disqualified yourself.
#4 Make sure you respond to winning email or notification by the time indicated. If you wait 3 weeks to answer and email, your prize is no longer yours. Don't complain, just enter another contest.
#5 Be thankful, thank the company or blogger that is giving you something for free.
Winning a prize is a great feeling and prizes can be spectacular. Just remember the sun and the moon do not revolve around each of us no matter how much we may like to feel it does.
If you have won a prize, don't for a second think that the person supplying it should be doing the hundred meter dash to the post office to mail your prize. Many bloggers ship prizes only once a month and that's that. Self-entitlement gets you nowhere.
Be respectful, Be polite, And for goodness sake don't stalk a blogger/company while you await your prize.
What to do if your prize hasn't arrived after 6 weeks
Step 1 Contact the sponsor of the giveaway privately through email
Step 2 After 6 weeks you can publicly ask about your prize on their social media websites
If neither of these attempts gets a response
Step 3 Contact the Competition Bureau of Canada and file a complaint.