
How to Enter Giveaways on TikTok : Complete Guide

Disclosure : This article may contain referral links, which means I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my website. It means the world.  

If you have been holding back on entering TikTok giveaways this article is going to get you ready to win prizes there! It's not nearly as hard as you think! We're going to cover everything you need to know about making your account and entering giveaways in no time at all. 


How Make a TikTok Account

 If you don't yet have an account you can join me in the referral program (Only valid until Feb.21.2023 to earn gift cards and rewards. Your account must be a brand new account to participate. 
When you use my link you sign up and complete all the quick surveys you can redeem for a $25 gift card. There are tons of gift cards to choose from. 

If you don't want to take part in the referral program you can download the TikTok app to get started. Then come back here to continue with the rest of this article to get you started winning prizes on TikTok.

How to Set Up Your TikTok Settings

An important thing to know about TikTok is that it is very different than other platforms. On TikTok you are going to want your profile to be set to public to enter and win giveaways. 

Once you are in your account follow these steps : 

  • Click at the top right on the 3 little dashes 
  • In the pop up at the bottom of the screen now click Privacy and Settings 
  • On the next screen click Privacy
  • Make sure your account is not set to Private account. If highlighted with blue turn it off by clicking on it
Stay on the Privacy page for the next few steps while we get all your settings set up properly. 

Now we are going to make your account ready for winner notifications. If these aren't setup properly you won't know you won a prize and could miss out. 

You are still on the Privacy page from the previous steps. 

  • Scroll down the privacy page to Mentions and Tags
  • Set both to People You Follow

The reason we set each of these settings to People you follow is to keep spam tags away from your account. You have to follow any account you are entering a giveaway on, so you will be able to be tagged or mentioned by those accounts if you are a winner. 

Hit back and go back to your Privacy page and now we will deal with messages. 

  • From the Privacy page click on Direct messages
  • Click on the word Direct messages at the top and set it to everyone
  • Turn off Read status
  • Turn ON Filtered requests

How to Follow Accounts on TikTok

Now it's time to start following accounts. If you have friends and family using TikTok follow them first. Then search brands you know will have a Canadian account. You can also just search Canada in the search bar at the top and find many Canada based accounts to follow. 

  • Click on the profile name you want to visit
  • Click the large Follow button

What the TiKTok Side Icons Are

Each icon on TikTok has a reason and does something. When it comes to giveaways they are all you need to really use to get yourself entered. 


How to Find Giveaways on TikTok

When you are new to TikTok you can search around and find many great TikToker's to follow. One great way of searching out giveaways open to Canada is by using a Hashtag or a general search of whatever you want in the search bar at the top. 

A great search term is - giveaway in  Canada


BUT that isn't enough! Now we have to filter those results so we can see the current giveaways running under that search. Once you have your results up from your search. See image below.


Once you have your search filter up, make sure to check the last 24 hours or even the past week. This will bring up the latest giveaways for you to enter. 


How to Enter Giveaways on TikTok

Each giveaway will have its own steps to entering their giveaway. Most are to comment, share, and add to favorites. All of which you now know how to do. 

When you are asked to tag a friend to enter, you do it the same as any other social media platform. Simply put @ and then your friends account that you are going to tag. NO space between the @ and the name.

Some giveaways on TikTok will also be an entry form for you to enter. }Those links will be in the description of the contest or in the BIO of the account.  

Always make sure to filter out your search results so you get the latest giveaways. Make sure to search out your local companies and brands, since many are now using TikTok to host their giveaways. 

Search Terms for Giveaways on TikTok

Here are a few search terms to get you started in your giveaway search on TikTok. Make sure to try a few of your own too. 

  • Giveaway Canada
  • Canada Giveaway
  • Canada Contest
  • Canadian Blogger
  • Canada
  • Win Prizes Canada

TikTok is not as hard to use as you may believe. There are more and more giveaways there everyday, just waiting for your entry. 

Bottom line, have fun and good luck! 

Wishing You Good Luck!