
Excel Gum Back to School Instant Win Contest

 Get Back to School Fresh Contest

Contest dates : August 1, 2024 - November 1, 2024.

There are 2 ways to enter this contest so make sure you understand the rules before entering. 


To win a tertiary prize just simply fill out the contest enter form to see if you are a lucky instant winner of an Excel 3 pack of gum. Entering this portion of the contest does not enter you into the grand prize draw or the secondary prizes. There are 50 tertiary prizes to be won during the contest. 

To get yourself entered in to win the grand prize or one of the secondary prizes you must make a purchase of one of the participating products and upload your receipt. There is also a mail in no purchase needed entry option for your chance to win. 

The grand prize is $10,000 that will be send by e-transfer. 

There are 75 secondary prizes to be won during the contest too. Each secondary prize will consist of a Spotify gift card and a pair of Airpods. 

Wishing You Good Luck!